National Nutrition Month®!

March is National Nutrition Month®, inspiring healthy eating habits in our children and fostering a lifelong love for nutritious foods. Let's explore some fun and engaging ways to involve our kids in this important journey towards a healthy lifestyle.

1. Make it a Family Affair: Get the whole family involved in meal planning and preparation. Encourage your children to help choose recipes, pick out fresh produce at the store, and assist in cooking. This hands-on approach teaches valuable life skills and instills a sense of ownership and excitement about healthy eating. Watch one of our CalFresh Healthy Living’s Family Cooking Videos featuring our very own Champion Parents preparing delicious recipes with their children. Give the recipe a try!

2. Get Creative with Food: Turn mealtime into a creative adventure by experimenting with new fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Encourage your kids to try different colors, textures, and flavors. Find a variety of delicious recipes and resources on the GUSD’s CalFresh Healthy Living website here.

3. Lead by Example: Remember, as parents, we are our children's most influential role models. Show your kids the importance of making healthy food choices by incorporating nutritious meals and snacks into your own daily routine. For more tips and resources visit the Wellness Resources page.

The CalFresh Healthy Living Program continues to support student and family well being by providing nutrition education and increasing healthy food access and opportunities for physical activity. Happy National Nutrition Month®!


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