CATCH Kids Club in Action!

CATCH Kids Club is an evidence-based, nationally recognized nutrition education and physical activity program designed for elementary and middle school aged children (grades K-8) in after-school settings. It's all about setting up healthy environments for students and creating excitement around physical activity, health, and wellness.

After-school staff within GUSD’s Child Development & Child Care Department are implementing this program at five school sites (Cerritos, Mann, Marshall, Jefferson, and Roosevelt) as one of the initiatives of the CalFresh Healthy Living Program. Over the past few months, all school sites have implemented over 100 physical activities, 85 nutrition lessons and 3 healthy snack demonstrations, providing opportunities for students to have fun and learn healthy behaviors. The healthy snack demonstration recipes include a veggie pocket, a veggie wrap, and a fruit smoothie, all containing fresh fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains products. Students at Roosevelt Middle School get the opportunity to prepare healthy snack recipes and learn essential cooking skills. Roosevelt’s CDCC lead staff shares, “The students have loved the cooking activities. They get very excited and enjoy learning about the recipes.

This month, the CalFresh Healthy Living team provided refresher trainings to Cerritos CDCC staff on the CATCH Kids Club curriculum, focusing on getting staff equipped with the confidence to execute the physical activities and nutrition curriculum. This program is not possible without the continued support from the CDCC staff and the department.


National Nutrition Month®!


CalFresh Healthy Living School Sites Recognized with 2023 LEAP Awards